Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Vitamins You're Not Getting Enough Of

Despite all the food we consume, we would think we are getting all the nutrients we need, but its not so.  Below are the vitamins you're most likely short on, plus easy ways to boost your intake.

Vitamin B6 

 Fruits and VegetablesThis important vitamin helps the body produce serotonin and norepinephrine, two chemicals that facilitate communication between the brain and nerve cells, which is crucial for keeping body processes like the immune system and metabolism humming along. Some studies show that a B6 deficiency can cause problems that affect the nerves, skin, and circulation; other research shows supplementing can improve memory loss, diabetes, asthma, ADHD and acne.

How to tell if you're lacking: Deficiency is more common in alcoholics and people with liver and kidney issues or an overactive thyroid. You're also more likely to lack B6 if you're a vegetarian, vegan, or lactose-intolerant, as this vitamin is found in poultry, lean meat, seafood, milk, and yogurt.

How much you need: Adults ages 19 to 50 need 1.3 milligrams every day; older women need 1.5 milligrams and older men need 1.7 milligrams.

Get more: legumes, carrots, spinach, peas, potatoes, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, fish, liver, meat, and fortified flour and cereal grains

Vitamin D

Known as the "sunshine vitamin," D is produced when the skin is exposed to the sun. Considering the amount of vitamin D we get from food sources is minimal—and the amount of time we're spending outside, without sunscreen, is at an all-time low—it's no surprise that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that 32% of both children and adults in the U.S. are deficient. Experts are concerned about this, as too little D has been linked to everything from increased risk of cancer and heart disease to severe asthma in children.
How to tell if you're lacking: Signs of too little vitamin D may include bone pain, muscle weakness and feeling down (one study found that those who were low on vitamin D were 11 times more likely to be depressed than those with normal levels). Another sign, says Brown: Getting sick more often than usual. "Vitamin D is a key player in a healthy immune system," she says.

How much you need: A blood test is the best way to check your vitamin D levels, and the target range is somewhere around 45 to 50 ng/mL; the amount you'll need to supplement depends on how close or not you are to that target. While the official recommendations are 600 IU for those age 1 to 70 and 800 IU for those older than 70, many experts believe that recommendation should be somewhere in the 1,000 IU to 6,000 IU range, so it's important to work with your doctor on finding the right dose for you.

Get more: fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, and vitamin D-fortified milk and orange juice  

 Vitamin C

Vitamin C sourcesThis vitamin does double-duty as an antioxidant: It helps block cell mutations triggered by dangerous free radical molecules; C also aids wound healing, cartilage repair, and the maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Research suggests it's a powerhouse in battling the common cold. Studies show that people who take vitamin C supplements on a regular basis have milder symptoms and shorter colds. 

How to tell if you're lacking: First signs tend to be fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and easy bruising; dry skin, swollen or discolored gums, and poor wound healing can also clue you in to a lack of C. Chronic deficiency (that lasts three months or more) can lead to an illness called scurvy, which can cause lethargy and in advanced cases, jaundice and fever. 

How much you need: Women need 75 milligrams a day; men need 90 milligrams. 

Get more: citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.

Vitamin B12

Like B6 and other B vitamins, B12 plays an important role in keeping the metabolism humming. It's also crucial in the formation of red blood cells and DNA, says Brown, as well as supporting the health of the central nervous system.  

How to tell if you're lacking: Studies have shown that not enough vitamin B12 can lead to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, muscle weakness or stiffness, incontinence, low blood pressure, and vision problems. Also, if you're a vegetarian or vegan (or have simply scaled back on the amount of animal products you eat for health reasons), there's a greater chance you'll be deficient thanks to the fact that, like vitamin B6, most food-based sources of B12 come from animal products. 
How much you need: Those 14 years old and up need 2.4 micrograms a day; pregnant women need 2.6 micrograms daily and breastfeeding women need 2.8 micrograms a day.  

Get more: organ meats, shellfish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy foods, some fortified breakfast cereals and nutritional yeasts

 As we have seen, these vitamins are very essential to the function of the body.  But our body lack these vitamins on regular basis, therefore we should replenish ASAP before they are completely used.