Regular routines can be a good thing. There’s the get-up-and-out-the-door rush to work on time, and, hopefully, your pre-sleep routine to get maximum shuteye. But sometimes a routine can backfire on you, and that’s true when it comes to your workout.
the same moves at the same time and looking at the same walls at the
gym can have a negative effect on your fitness goals," says Garson
Grant, master trainer at Chelsea Piers in New York City. If any of these
10 situations sound familiar, it’s time to shake up your gym sessions. Related: The Only 8 Moves You Need to Be Fit
You’re Not Seeing Results
When you first start a routine, you tend to score quick fitness gains. Yet
a couple of months, you might find yourself spinning your wheels.
“Working out puts stress on the body, and in time, your body learns to
adapt — so you don’t necessarily make progress,” says Grant. Busting out
of a plateau doesn’t mean a major overhaul. Small tweaks, such as
changing the number of sets or upping your pace, can accelerate your
progress. Related: 30 Workouts that Take 10 Minutes (or Less)
You’re Bored
word rep comes from repetition, and doing the same routine in the same
order over and over is bound to be an excitement suck. Make sure your
program has lots of variety: lifts, interval training, bodyweight
exercises, anything to mix it up, explains Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, and
author of Turbulence Training. Even taking your
workout outdoors can crank your mojo, giving you something more
inspiring to look at than the treadmill in front of yours or all the
other sweaty guys in the weight room. Related: How Daily Activity Adds Up to a Workout
You’re Racking Up Injuries
muscle strains and sprains often stem from repetitive stress injuries.
“You’re likely doing the same moves without any variation, overworking
those muscles and never giving them the chance to heal,” says Grant.
Start diversifying your routine just enough so you work the muscles
differently, or alternate bodyweight exercises that don’t rely on the
same muscle groups the exact same way. Related: 9 Signs You’re Overdoing Your Workout
You’re Completely Exhausted Afterward
one thing for your workout to make you a little tired, but you
shouldn’t be drained of energy,” says Mike Fantigrassi, MS, NASM-CPT
master instructor and director of professional services at the National
Academy of Sports Medicine in Chandler, Arizona. Killer fatigue is a
clue that you need to eat more, get more rest, or back off on the
intensity of your program. “A workout doesn’t need to crush you each
time to be effective,” says Fantigrassi. Related: 7 Ways to Lose Your Belly Fat
It Feels Like Work
it’s called a workout for a reason. But if your routine feels like
drudgery and you approach your sessions like prisoner sentenced to
splitting rocks, then it’s time to step back and figure out a way to
make it feel more fun, or at least, turn it into more of a challenge,
says Luke Guanzon, CSCS, strength and conditioning specialist at Life
Time Athletic in Westchester, New York.
You Can’t Find the Time
you’re putting in more hours at the office. Or crappy winter weather
has you postponing your regular run or ride. Whatever the reason, if
outside forces are preventing you from getting your sweat on, it’s time
to figure out a routine that works with your life right now — like
something you can do at home or a shorter, more intense version of your
current workout. “A lot of people get hung up on the ideal workout, and
if they can’t do everything they planned to do, they skip it,” says Fantigrassi. “But the best program is one you can consistently do.”
Your Joints Feel Pounded
your joints ache after you’ve left the gym, your workout might be
totally fine — but you’re probably not warming up the right way (or
you’re impatiently skipping the warm up completely). Start with 3-5
minutes of light cardio, like a jog, or do a bodyweight circuit of 3-4
basic moves, aiming for 10-15 reps each, suggests Ballantyne. A few
minutes with a foam roller before and after your routine will also get
proper blood flow going for a warm-up, says Guanzon.
Your Goals Have Changed
you first started working out, maybe the plan was to shed some weight
or improve your definition. Now, you’re focused on building endurance to
tackle an upcoming Ironman. When your fitness goals change, your
workout needs to change along with it, or you won’t get the results
you’re after, says Ballantyne.
You Work Out on Autopilot
best fitness program is one that puts you in the zone — not one that
lets you languish in your comfort zone. When there’s no sense of
challenge and you’re going through the motions without actually pushing
your limits, you might maintain your fitness level, but you won’t
improve anything, says Ballantyne. Even if you really look forward to
your gym time, you need to be engaged to get the benefits.
You’re Losing Strength
happens a lot with lifting, says Ballantyne, because you’re not giving
your muscles time to recover and grow. “If you’re overtraining a body
part, you can end up getting weaker,” he says. It all comes down to
better program design. Schedule an easy-lifting day or recovery day on
the day before a heavy-lifting day, suggests Ballantyne. Another tactic:
change the timing between moves. Says Guanzon: “Holding a move for a
longer period of time or cutting the seconds or minutes of your rest
periods between moves can keep your muscles and strength from
By Esther Crain
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