Monday 29 December 2014

If You Can't Stand On One Leg For 20 Seconds, Here's What It Could Say About Your Brain

The 20-Second Test To Determine Your Brain Health
Photo credit: Thomas MacDonald

What if we told you that trying to stand on one leg for 20 seconds (or more) could help you gauge the health of your brain? You might think we were a bit unbalanced ourselves. But that's exactly what a new study published in the journal Stroke suggests.

Researchers at the Center for Genomic Medicine at Kyoto University in Japan asked about 1,400 people (average age 67) to stand with one leg raised and their eyes open for up to 60 seconds. Everyone tried this twice; best times were used for analysis. Then, using MRI, the researchers scanned everyone's brain. 

They found that those who struggled to balance for 20 seconds had cerebral small-vessel disease (SVD), even though they weren't exhibiting any classic symptoms. SVD is related to stroke, dementia and even Parkinson's. Among the balance-impaired, 15% had one micro-bleed brain lesion (30% had two) and 16% had one arterial brain blockage (35% had two.) In addition, those with the shortest balance times generally had the lowest mental performance scores.

How can standing on one leg provide insight into the brain's health? "Balance is achieved and maintained by 3 main sensory circuits," explains Jose Biller, MD, chair of neurology at Loyola Medicine in Maywood, IL. "Vision, proprioception [your sense of body position] and the vestibular system [inner ear, etc.]." If you were paying attention in high school anatomy, you'll remember that the brain controls all these sensory circuits. So any loss of motor coordination, such as the inability to balance for any length of time, could suggest brain damage.

So take the balance test to see how you do. If you can't break that 20-second threshold then, according to  Biller, you may be at increased risk for brain disease and cognitive decline. Consult with your physician.


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